Sasha Has A Gift
As Sasha explores her gift with hair and how it connects to cosmetology, children are introduced to purposeful careers with repetition, sight words, and vivid illustrations of characters who come to life on the pages!
The Children's Gift Series
The Children’s Gift Series is a 10-book series that serves as an excellent partner for children as they are learning to read. Each book, is carefully interwoven with repetition, relatability, and a predictable storyline. This series employs proven learning strategies that engage and empower children. Every page is adorned with vibrant colors that ignite imagination and curiosity, while fostering an environment where learning flourishes.
You are encouraged to purchase more than one book. Each book reads the same with a different kid, gifts and career. This repetition across all 10 books encourages reading and builds confidence with early level readers!
About The Author
Dionne Grayson is the owner of Building Your Dreams, LLC., where she empowers youth and adults to live life By Design. Her signature program Dream.Explore.Build. partners with teens as they explore their interests and how those can connect to a career path full of purpose.
Please contact us for bulk orders over 100 at info@buildingyourdreamsllc.com. Subject line: Bulk Order.